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Internal Door Trends in 2024

As 2024 unfolds and spring arrives A & T Carpentry look at what trends 2024 will bring in the world of interior door design. Not only do interior doors serve a practical function, but they also provide an opportunity to add style to a room. There’s so much more to a door than you might think, it’s not just about privacy. So if you are ready to replace your internal doors This blog post will explore the top trending ideas for internal doors in 2024. 

Choosing Interior Doors

Choosing the right interior doors for your home requires a bit of thought about your home as a whole.  You need to consider the size and style of the room where the door is being fitted, how much clearance the space provides,  the size of the opening, and the room’s existing colour scheme and decor. Answering these questions will help you narrow down your choices and styles of doors that are best suited to your home. 

Minimalist internal door fitting

1. Contemporary design with minimalism and industrial tones

Minimalist design continues to influence door styles in 2024 as it does all areas of home decor.  Minimalistic design trends feature clean lines, clutter-free surfaces, and subtle door furniture. Doors with flush finishes, hidden hinges, and integrated handles are becoming increasingly popular and have a sleek, contemporary look. Also trending is the rise of industrial decor themes. This is inspired by urban lofts and warehouses and is inspired by metal elements such as steel and iron frames and handles. When matched with wooden doors it gives a striking look which is both strong and refined.

Minimalist industrial  internal door fitting

2. Solid Natural Wood Doors

Traditional natural wood finishes are timeless and ever-popular. They continue to be prominent in 2024. In domestic homes lighter wood colours like beech, light oak, and ash are popular. Not only are these woods beautiful and hard-wearing but also stylistically versatile, complementing a variety of interior styles from minimalism to rustic country cottages. In complete contrast is the growing interest in bold colour statements. Doors can be made the centrepiece of a room design. With bold colours such as deep blues, rich greens, and even vibrant orange being used to decorate home spaces the neutral light wood tones of solid wooden doors compliment this perfectly and turn tradition on its head.

Internal Fire door fitting
Birmingham staircase refurbishment

3. Glazed Internal Doors

Glazed doors can open up even the smallest of spaces, allowing the light to flow easily through adjoining rooms maximising natural light. With frosted glass, privacy glass, patterned and tinted glass there are plenty of options. Full-length glass doors and small scattered glass panelling is becoming a first choice for modern homes.  There is also a growing demand for unique and artistic door design. Custom-designed doors featuring elements like bespoke carvings, hand-painted designs and inlays are on trend for 2024  with homeowners’ desire for individual expression, transforming doors into unique pieces of art work!

Painted Glass Door
Internal glazed door fitting

4. Sustainable materials and Smart Doors

Sustainability is becoming a priority in all manufacturing areas and now even in the door industry. There is an increasing demand from homeowners and designers for materials that are both environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Reclaimed wood, bamboo and other sustainable materials are gaining popularity, not just for their ecological benefits but also for their unique stylistic textures and finishes. As smart home technology continues to gain speed and popularity internal smart door sales increase. Equipped with features like automatic locking systems, built-in lighting, and voice and app controls security savvy homeowners are replacing the traditional door with secure tech.

Bamboo internal door fitting
Internal smart doors

A Diverse Range of Internal Doors

The internal door trends for 2024 reflect a diverse range of choices to suit most budgets. From functionality to blending styles and materials to personal expression, there are many options. Whether it is the natural beauty of wood, bold statements of colour,  contemporary minimalism or the allure of smart home technology, these trends offer a myriad of options to homeowners looking to replace their internal doors.  As internal doors become more important to interior decor, manufacturers and designers continue to evolve the once simple and very functional door into something far more elegant and pivotal to become the focal point of room design.